Adjusting to Your New Contact Lenses: Tips for Success

You have finally gotten your new contact lenses so you do not have to rely on your glasses every day to see. As many advantages that come along with contacts, you may also have a brief period of adjustment to go through when you initially begin wearing them. Take a look at a few tips for success to help you adjust easier to your new contact lenses.

1. Remember to not feel intimidated by the process.

The more you can relax, the easier it will be to get adjusted to your new contact lenses. It can be a little intimidating to be poking something into your eye on a daily basis; that’s an understandable thing. However, contact lenses are perfectly safe as long as you follow your doctor’s guidelines.

2. Keep your eyes and body well hydrated.

The more hydrated your eyes are, including the contact lenses, the more comfortable you will be with the lenses in place. Your eye doctor will give you eye drops to help keep your eyes hydrated, but do your part as well by making sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day.

3. Make sure you keep your contact lenses as clean as possible.

Clean contact lenses are less likely to irritate the eyes. If you are having to take your lenses out frequently to give your eyes a rest, make sure you take the time to properly clean the lenses each time.

4. Set alarms to remind you to change your lenses or take them out.

If you are concerned that you will forget to change your lenses as directed or you will forget to take them out before going to bed, set an alarm on your phone. It can be a lot to remember at first, but after a few weeks, you will be changing and removing your contact lenses almost without even thinking about it.

5. Communicate with your eye doctor throughout the process.

Your eye doctor should be your go-to when you have questions or concerns about your new lenses, and they will be more than happy to help you out with your initial concerns. If you have new contact lenses and need help or have questions, our patients are always welcome to reach out to us at the Coldwater Vision Center in Coldwater, MS for help.

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