3 Signs of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common condition affecting central vision in people over 60. However, it can strike at any age. Early detection of AMD is essential, as it can prevent severe vision loss. In this post, we will look at the three signs of AMD and why it’s vital to have regular eye exams.

The skilled team at Coldwater Vision Center of Coldwater, MS, is proud to serve the local community with premium vision care services and products, including detecting and managing symptoms of AMD.

What is AMD?

AMD is a condition that affects the macula, a small part of the retina that is responsible for central vision. The macula deteriorates over time, leading to vision loss in the center of your eye, making it difficult to perform most actions. Your peripheries may not be affected, so you may find yourself able to see better when looking from the side rather than directly at a certain point.

3 Common Signs of AMD

Age-related macular degeneration is common and can happen at any time. Some symptoms may require you to seek a professional eye examination.

Blurry and Fuzzy Vision

One of the first signs of AMD is blurry and fuzzy vision when performing daily tasks. This can make it difficult to see fine details and read the small print.

Straight Lines May Appear Wavy

Another sign of AMD is when straight lines appear wavy or distorted. This is because the macula can no longer process visual information accurately and may reflect light incorrectly.

Blind Spot in the Center of Your Vision

In advanced cases of AMD, a blind spot may develop in the center of your visual field. This can make it difficult to see objects directly in front of you. At this point, your local vision expert can assist in alleviating your vision.

Your Local Eye Professionals

Don’t stress the health of the most important way you perceive information about the world around you. The expert team at Coldwater Vision Center of Coldwater, MS, can help diagnose, treat, and prevent any vision-related issue, including AMD. You can be sure you are receiving the best possible care and guidance at your next consultation that is personalized to your unique situation.

Macular Degeneration: Who Is Most At Risk?  

You may have heard of macular degeneration, especially if you have a close family member or friend that struggles with this disease. Macular degeneration is an eye condition that affects your central vision. It is usually age related, occurring in patients over 60 years old. Vision loss due to macular degeneration is quite common. Your eye doctor in Coldwater, MS, can tell you more about the symptoms of macular degeneration.

This disease usually begins with a dark dot in the middle of your vision, making it challenging to complete day-to-day tasks. There are two main types of macular degeneration:

  • Dry(atrophic) macular degeneration is when fatty deposits form on the macula.
  • Wet(neovascular/exudative) macular degeneration happens when abnormal blood vessels grow behind the retina.

Who is At Risk for Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is often, but not always, genetic. It is more common in certain ethnicities, specifically people with European heritage. You may be up to four times more likely to develop macular degeneration if a parent or sibling has the disease.

Lifestyle may also play a role. Smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure are all added risk factors. And you’re naturally more at risk if you’re over the age of 50.

Prevention and Frequently Asked Questions

Taking vitamins A, C, and E may help prevent macular degeneration. Quitting smoking may also lower your risk. Learning how to manage blood pressure is another good choice. Overall, however, keeping regular appointments for eye exams with your vision specialist is your best protection against macular degeneration.

Can You Develop Macular Degeneration in One Eye?

It is possible to only develop the disease in only one eye. However, it is common that it will eventually spread to both eyes.

Can You Go Blind from Macular Degeneration?

You can go blind from macular degeneration, though it is extremely rare.

How Much Will Macular Degeneration Affect Your Daily Life?

Vision impairment from macular degeneration can make it difficult to complete day-to-day tasks. You may find yourself needing assistance from those around you, or looking for alternative ways to complete simple tasks.

Can Macular Degeneration Be Corrected or Reversed?

Macular degeneration cannot be reversed, but there is treatment to stop the progression of the disease.

Are you experiencing symptoms of macular degeneration in Coldwater, Mississippi? Call Coldwater Vision Center to book an appointment today, or visit our website for more information.


What Happens to Your Eyes as You Age?

Many adults begin noticing vision changes around the age of 40. Even if you’ve had perfect vision all your life, the simple process of aging may bring about changes in your ability to see close up or far away. Often, the first symptoms include the inability to focus close-up, such as when reading or working at a computer. This is called presbyopia, and it’s a common condition that affects many adults between the ages of 40 and 60. If you notice recent changes to your vision that could be age-related, schedule an appointment with youreye doctor in Coldwater, MS, right away. There could be various conditions at play.

What Is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is a change in the eyes’ ability to focus that is usually brought on by normal aging. The National Institutes of Health reports that nearly 80 percent of adults in North America, who are between the ages of 45 and 55, have presbyopia. This condition is caused by the hardening of the lenses in your eyes. As the lenses lose flexibility, they’re unable to change shape, or focus, to adjust to close-up objects.

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, affects your central vision, causing blurriness. It’s a disease that affects the retina, and you may be more at risk if there’s a family history of AMD, if you smoke, and if you’re Caucasian. Early symptoms include:

  • Difficulty seeing well in low light
  • Seeing straight lines as wavy
  • Trouble distinguishing between colors
  • Blurred central vision
  • Blanks spots in your vision

Adults over the age of 55 are at higher risk of developing AMD.

What is Retinopathy?

Retinopathy is a term that describes any disease of the retina. Different factors may cause retinopathy, but the most common is diabetes. Retinopathy may develop slowly, over time. Or, it may happen suddenly, causing partial or complete vision loss. Usually, retinopathy is marked by an abnormality in the blood vessels that support the retina.

Call Coldwater Vision Center Today

If you’re over the age of 40, and you’re experiencingvision changes in Coldwater, CO, call Coldwater Vision Center right away. Early intervention may be key to preserving your vision. Contact our friendly and professional representatives today.