Why Do Kids Have Bad Eyesight?

When you have a child, it may seem like they are perfect in every way. But sometimes, children can be born with or develop bad eyesight. Poor eyesight in children can result in development delays and worse. That’s why you should bring your child in for aneye exam in Coldwater, MS, no later than one year old. Doing so could help with early diagnosis or prevention of bad eyesight. The following are some of the common reasons why kids have bad eyesight:

Pediatric Myopia

It’s very rare for a baby to be born with pediatric myopia. Myopia is a condition where the eyeball is misshapen and elongated. This results in a refractive error, on the inside of the eye. Myopia is commonly called nearsightedness. It most often develops in childhood and adolescence. Caught early enough in its progression, it may be reduced or prevented. For treatment forpediatric myopia control in Coldwater, MS, contact Coldwater Vision Center.

Excessive Screen Time

The amount of time that kids sit in front of a screen is a leading factor in bad eyesight. Two factors come into play. The first is that screens emit blue light, which professionals know to be harmful to the eyes in high quantities. The second is the proximity to the screen. If the eyes are only focusing on close-up things, i.e., screens, the majority of the time, then the muscles involved in focusing on things in the distance can weaken, resulting in myopia.

Lack of Outdoor Activity

Exercise, fresh air, and sunshine all help a child’s body develop healthily, including the eyes. Being indoors the majority of the time doesn’t offer the same benefits. A healthy balance of indoor and outdoor activities could prevent bad eyesight in children.

Underlying Health Conditions

In rare instances, certain systemic health conditions, such as diabetes or juvenile arthritis, can lead to vision problems in children. These conditions can cause complications like diabetic retinopathy or uveitis, which impair vision. If your child does have an underlying health condition, it’s important that you share this with your child’s pediatric optometrist.

Children’s eyesight can be influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, along with lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity. For help and treatment with your child’s eyesight, contact us today.

Teaching Kids to Care For Contact Lenses

Whereas eyeglasses can be easily taken off, lost, or sat on, contact lenses are more likely to be used and accepted by your school-aged child. Contact lenses for kids in Coldwater, MS, offer a great alternative to eyeglasses. But contacts require special skills to ensure they are well cared for. Here are some tips for teaching your child to care for contact lenses.

Explain the Basics

Be sure to sit down with your child to ensure they understand the basics of contact lenses. Kids are naturally curious, so if you explain what they look like and how they work, your child will have that curiosity satisfied. It also helps them feel more confident about wearing the lenses, knowing that contacts have been used for a long time to correct vision.

Explain the Need

Secondly, explain how the contact lenses will directly help your child to see better, read better, and perform better. Talk about how good vision is essential for playing sports, enjoying playground equipment safely, gaining confidence in social situations, and doing well in school and in other ways. Knowing why they’re wearing contact lenses will motivate your child to care for them properly.

Explain the Function of Each Supply

Layout the contact lens supplies on the bathroom counter and explain what each one is for: the storage case, the cleaning solution, the saline solution, etc. Talk about what each product does.

Demonstrate the Process

Children are masters at mimicking what they see. First, demonstrate the whole process, from removing the contact lens from its container to cleaning, rubbing, and rinsing. Tell your child, “now it’s your turn,” and let your child practice while you oversee. Gently correct any “mistakes.” Practice again until you’re confident that your child has the process memorized.

Establish a Routine

Children respond well to routines, which make them feel safe. Consistency is key in contact lens care. Help your child develop a daily routine for inserting, removing, and cleaning their lenses.

Your eye doctor in Coldwater, MS, can reinforce your teachings at home, giving your child the tools and information to care for their contact lenses. Contact us today to book an appointment!

What is Diabetic Eye Disease?

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s imperative that you have the condition monitored and managed. Diabetes is a life-threatening condition that can affect many organs of the body, including the eyes. If you do have diabetes, make sure that you tell your optometrist in Coldwater, MS. Diabetes is a risk factor for diabetic eye disease, which puts your eyesight in jeopardy.

What is Diabetic Eye Disease?

Diabetic eye disease is not one particular disease. It’s actually a general term for a collection of eye conditions that can result from diabetes. The group of eye conditions most closely associated with diabetes are:

  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Diabetic Macular Edema

Symptoms of Diabetic Eye Disease

Because diabetic eye disease consists of a group of conditions, there is no one specific set of symptoms. However, generally speaking, all the following symptoms may be indicative of advancing or existing diabetic eye disease:

  • Cloudiness of the eye
  • Loss of sight in center field of vision
  • Increased number of floaters
  • Seeing flashes of light
  • Patches or spots of black in field of vision
  • Trouble seeing at night
  • Trouble adjusting to changes in lighting
  • Reduce perception of colors
  • Blurry vision

Treatment For Diabetic Eye Disease

The best “treatment” for diabetic eye disease is prevention. Barring that, early detection is essential, with an eye exam in Coldwater, MS. Diabetic eye disease is progressive, which means that it comes on over time and worsens the longer it progresses.

Your optometrist has a variety of treatment options once diabetic eye disease is diagnosed. They include things like prescription eye medication, laser treatment and other types of eye surgery. You may also need to consider lifestyle changes, depending upon which eye condition you have and what treatment options are available to you.

Diabetic eye disease is nothing to be trifled with. Each year, people lose all or part of their vision due to diabetic eye disease. If you or your loved one suspects vision problems, or if you notice any of the symptoms listed above, don’t wait until your next appointment date. Contact your optometrist for treatment for eye disease in Coldwater, MS as soon as possible. Your eyesight depends on it.