Entries by Kristopher A. May, OD, FAAO

What Is Pediatric Myopia?

Pediatric myopia may sound like a serious condition, but it’s actually a very common vision problem: near-sightedness. Many children have pediatric myopia. If you think your child may have pediatric myopia, it’s important to take your child to the eye doctor in Coldwater, MS, so you can identify vision problems before they impact your child’s education […]

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Eyes?

If you have diabetes, you’re probably already making the lifestyle changes suggested by your family doctor or endocrinologist. You may be watching what you eat, getting more exercise, or taking medication to help you manage your blood sugar levels. These are all effective strategies for dealing with your disorder. However, it’s important to pay special […]

Fit and Function: The Difference Between Pediatric and Adult Contact Lenses

Kids who are near-sighted usually find out around the age of 8, and it’s easy to see why children that young might prefer contact lenses instead of glasses. For anyone who loves their sports and recreational activities, it can be uncomfortable or worrisome to be constantly dealing with bouncing frames. If you’re curious about how pediatric […]

5 Ways to Abuse Your Vision   

Just like the rest of your body, your vision needs to be cared for. Because people don’t think about their vision everyday, it sometimes gets taken for granted. The worst ways to abuse your vision include the following. Not Getting Regular Eye Exams An eye exam in Coldwater, MS is about more than making sure […]

What is Diabetic Eye Disease?

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s imperative that you have the condition monitored and managed. Diabetes is a life-threatening condition that can affect many organs of the body, including the eyes. If you do have diabetes, make sure that you tell your optometrist in Coldwater, MS. Diabetes is a risk factor for diabetic eye […]